Before You Start An Email List, Ask Yourself This First
Here’s the question that’s on everyone’s mind when they start thinking about mailing lists: “Which service should I use?” You’ve probably wondered yourself, and maybe even spent a few hours (or days, or weeks) researching your options. Stop! This is not the question...
How to Generate Interest in Your Biz & Increase Sales Without (Really) Asking for It
We’ve all seen those old-style sales pages filled with yellow highlights and screaming red text, and lots of “BUY NOW” buttons. And when we think of copywriting, that’s often what comes to mind. While that style of page can be effective, it’s not the only way to make...
Why SMART Goals Aren’t Enough for Entrepreneurs Who Want to Achieve Big Things
For years, it’s been drilled into our heads that when you set a goal, it needs to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely). While that looks great on paper – and it’s easy to remember – it doesn’t go far enough for those who want to achieve...
Think Killer Content is Only Good for Your Sales Page? Think Again
What do you immediately think of when you hear the word “copywriting”? Is it long sales pages, squeeze pages, and unwanted bulk mail? If so, you’re not alone in that thinking. But in reality, copywriting is more than sales messages. In fact, as an online business...
3 Top Tips to Creating Share-Worthy Posts That Skyrockets Your Website Traffic
Ever wonder what makes some Facebook posts, videos, or blogs “go viral,” while yours are lucky to have 7 shares and two comments? While it might seem like some well-kept secret, the truth is it’s because the content is considered share-worthy. It’s easy enough to...
3 Non-Shady Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic Borrowing Your Competitors’ Audience
Ask nearly anyone who runs an online business what their biggest struggle is, and chances are they’ll say “more traffic.” You need traffic to build an email list. You need traffic to make sales. You need traffic to fill your coaching programs. So the big question is,...
Free Guide! Start a Biz & Fire Your Boss: Discover 7 Online Side Hustles
Prime to Turn into a Profitable Full-Time Biz
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