As a biz owner, you want the copywriting you use to be clear and compelling, so it spurs your reader into the action you want them to take. But if there’s one thing that confuses and frustrates new (and even seasoned) business owners, it’s the not-always-obvious features and benefits of their signature service or program. And that, my friend, is the crucial piece of selling that you must figure out – like yesterday. 

Without clearly outlining the benefit of ‘what’s in for them,’ your readers will hightail it off your page faster than you can say “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” And ain’t (that’s a word, right?) anyone got time to be losing readers, or leaving money on the table.   

Ready to skyrocket your sales? Let’s dive into how the right tweak to your sales page makes all the difference. 

Features states, “Features are facts about products or services; they add credibility and substance to your sales pitch.”  

For example, I’m a business coach, and I want to share all the great things about my new coaching program, so I say something like:

  • 6-week self-study course
  • Includes workbooks and live training
  • Members’ only discounts

While these are all good points, they’re pretty bland. That’s because they’re features only. They tell us about the program but not why we should buy it. 


Benefits, on the other hand, explain how your readers’ lives improve by using your product or service. It’s the “so what” of features. 

Let’s look back at the features of my example above. 

“6-week self-study course.” So what? Why should your reader care? 

  • Because she’s busy and needs to work on her schedule, not yours.
  • Because she’s already studied shorter, less comprehensive courses and needs more in-depth information. 
  • Because she prefers to learn at her pace, not in a group. 

“Includes workbooks and live training.” So what? What are the benefits of workbooks and live training? 

  • Your student can put what she learns into action with workbooks. 
  • She can get her specific questions answered during live training. 
  • She can work through complex issues with the help of the group.

As you can see, benefits go much further than simple attributes, such as length and format. They show your prospective client not only what’s in the program, but why the product is exactly right for her at this specific moment in her life and career. 


Features and benefits work together in sales copy as two halves of a statement, like this:

“6-week self-study course so you can learn at your pace when it’s convenient for you.” 

This powerful feature/benefit combo is often the basis for the bullet points you see in sales copy, and the format of them makes them easy to write, too.

In Conclusion

List all the features of your product, then for each one, ask yourself, “Why?” Why should the reader care? But don’t stop there. Dig deeper to uncover “the why behind the why,” and you’ll soon be crafting truly irresistible sales pages that convert far better than you expect. In the above example, the why behind the why might be, “so you don’t need to spend family time on webinars that benefit someone else.”

Now not only is your prospective client working at a pace best for her, but she’s also freeing up time to spend with her family. That’s a great benefit she won’t find with most courses.

It’s easy to list all the features of your product or coaching program, but far more challenging to uncover the benefits that will drive sales. When you truly understand the difference, though, it will become more natural for you to create eye-catching, reader-engaging, compelling content, and your sales will reflect the change in your copy.

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