Thrive: Biz Reset Kickstart

You’re an ambitious, motivated, woman side-hustler entrepreneur. You have big plans to build a successful online business that sustains your life as a full-time CEO.

So you took the leap, started your biz, and announced to the internet world that you’re open for business. 

You hoped that clients would line up at your virtual door. After all, they say, “if you build it, they will come.”

You hoped that once you created your social media account, building a strong online presence would be a cinch.

And you hoped that your business would prove to be your ticket out of a day job you hate.

But there’s one problem: Your hopes have been dashed. You have 0 to a few clients, little or no engagement on your preferred networking platform, and little to no income from your dream business.

You’re thinking, “what gives?” and are feeling discouraged. 

Does this sound like you? Do you …

  • See your competitors killing it in their biz and wonder why that can’t be you?
  • Think you don’t have what it takes to run a biz and are ready to throw in the towel?
  • Promote your business in all the right ways but even that doesn’t garner any interest?

You want to BREAK FREE. You know in your gut that your business can be so much more than the let down it’s been to date.

​But you don’t know how or what to do to turn things around. And you don’t know who to ask. Or you thought that surely the internet could provide a few tips, but now you’re more confused with all the “best tips ever” that doesn’t tell you anything.


Here’s what I know.

Your dream to create the thriving biz you envision can still happen.

Introducing …

Thrive: Biz Reset Kickstart

The Thrive: Biz Reset Kickstart is a one-time, 75-minute, power-packed, private coaching session that eliminates the guesswork of building a biz and emboldens you with the know-how to grow and scale with ease.

Several factors contribute to the success of your business. One is defining your ideal customer. But this essential element is one area that many entrepreneurs often overlook or refuse to do. They’re afraid that if they limit their business to only one ideal Customer Avatar, they’ll lose out. However, the reality is that the exact opposite is true because if you try to reach everyone, you’ll fall flat and reach no one.

Defining one ideal customer affords you clarity, guidance, and growth opportunity for your biz. Here’s why.

  • Your message and service caters directly to your customers’ problems and needs
  • You target and attract the right audience and keep away those you don’t want to serve
  • You market and advertise wisely
  • You build a tribe of engaged followers

If you’re not clear on the basics of who you serve and what you do, your hopeful clients won’t know either. In turn, your business stays stagnant. Together, let’s work to get clear on this essential element. 

Imagine …



You’re no longer struggling to attract clients: You know exactly who you serve and what you do … 


You have an irresistible freebie/lead magnet that brings customers directly to your virtual doors … 


You have a sought after signature offer that your  clients rave about, so you quickly become an expert in your niche … 


Your calendar is full, and you have you a list of people waiting for a slot to open. Which means, in due time, you’ll be handing your two-week notice in and running your biz full-time. 

Well, it’s possible!

 Hi, I’m Mari Lee. 

I’m an enterprising business coach who works with women entrepreneurs who want to fire their boss and work only for themselves, but their biz isn’t growing (or they’re just starting) and don’t have the funds to up and quit. I help them launch, grow and scale their side hustle with ease, so they can create a thriving biz, earn good money, and ditch their soul-sucking 9-5 (on a timetable best for them) without all the overwhelm. 

Thrive: Biz Reset Kickstart

Here’s what you get.

Biz Reset Questionnaire
In preparation for our time together, you will receive a questionnaire to complete and submit back no less than 48 hours before our session. Your answers help us get right to work when we talk.

Biz Reset Clarity Session
During our call, we work to hone in on your ideal client, signature offer, and corresponding freebie. At the end, your Ideal Client Avatar has been mapped out. You have a clear action list and know how to target the right audience, grab their attention, and send them scrambling toward your “book or buy now” button in lickety-split fashion. 

Biz Reset Resource(s)
During our call, I will give you one or more resources to aid your journey moving forward. I will also provide resources and recommendations by email. Don’t worry, I’ll never clog your inbox. 

Biz Reset Check-in
In this 15-minute follow-up call held two weeks after our kickstart session, we discuss and celebrate the progress you’ve made. And, if needed, we’ll make a tweak here and there, so you stay on the right track.

Are you ready to reset the direction of your business?

I’m here to help you. That is my mission and purpose. 

Your investment – $67

Here’s how to get started.

Step 1 – Click on the – Yes, I’m ready – button. When my online scheduler opens, select the best date and time for your Kickstart session, and complete payment. Soon thereafter, you will receive an email confirming your appointment. If you don’t see it, check your junk or spam folder.


  • Be sure to select your correct time zone.
  • When choosing your date, please select a date that is at least 48 hours away so you have time to complete and submit the Kickstart Express Questionnaire (Step 2) prior to your session.

Next steps

Step 2 – Approximately 24 hours after you receive your confirmation email, you will receive a second email that contains a link to your electronic welcome packet, which includes the Questionnaire. Included on the questionnaire is an area for you to electronically sign the Coaching Agreement. Please complete and submit the questionnaire no less than 48 hours prior to our session. 

Step 3 – When it’s time for our session, I’ll contact you and we’ll dive right in. 

Instructions will be included in each email, so you don’t have to worry with remembering the outlined steps.   

    Interested in longer-term support instead? ​We can design a custom package to meet your needs. Contact me for more information. 

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